These interactive calculators can help you frame up your individual savings plans – from how to save for college to how much emergency savings you should have on hand for a rainy day!
CD Ladder Calculator: Considering investing in a series of CDs with different maturities? This calculator will aid you in examining the benefits of a CD Ladder.
College Savings: How much do you need to save for college? This calculator will help you put a savings plan in place or fine tune your existing savings strategy.
Don’t Delay Your Savings: We know that the earlier you start saving, the greater the benefit. But how much will a delay in beginning your savings impact your overall savings plan? This calculator helps show you how much you lose but delaying your savings.
Emergency Savings Calculator: Where do you begin when it comes to developing an emergency fund? This calculator is a good place to start. It can help you determine how much of an emergency fund you may need, and how you can get started saving.
Home Buyer Savings Calculator: Buying a home is exciting, but it’s a large investment. This calculator can help you determine how much you might need to save for your new house.